GPA Patries
GPA Observers

Building on Success

Out of the six countries that have become GPA Parties in the last decade, three gained accession with assistance from the EBRD: Montenegro in 2015, and Moldova and Ukraine in 2016. Armenia ratified the revised agreement in 2016 with support from the Bank. Currently, the EBRD GPA TC Facility is supporting the governments of North Macedonia, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan in their GPA accession negotiations.

The EBRD GPA TC Facility is available to all economies in the Bank’s region of operation. Current and former beneficiaries include Azerbaijan, Belarus, North Macedonia, Georgia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Turkey.

The EBRD also assists governments in revising their procurement legislation in line with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Public Procurement, a recognized benchmark in procurement law reform and consistent with the GPA, through the EBRD UNCITRAL Public Procurement Initiative.


GPA in Ukraine: Facilitating GPA Implementation and Capacity Building of Domestic Suppliers.

Moldova Accession to the GPA

Moldova Accession to the GPA: Supporting negotiations and reforms for GPA implementation.

North Macedonia’s accession negotiations

North Macedonia’s accession negotiations: Providing technical assistance to support GPA accession.